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Laser Tattoo Removal in Adelaide

Causes for Laser Tattoo Removal

~   Bad cosmetic tattoo done for eyebrows, lips and eyeliner.  Generally work not symmetrically done  properly or too    
      dark and solid or simply not to your expectations.

~   Eyebrow "Block Tattoo"

~   Old Permanent cosmetic tattoo that turned (red, blue and green)

~   No longer wanting an existing tattoo/body art or having it done was just a mistake of the past
Can Permanent Makeup be corrected?
Fortunately in many cases, existing permanent makeup and eyebrow tattoo can be corrected or at least improved. We perform everything from color corrections and shape adjustments to tattoo removal and lightening. Should you have an undesirable brow, eyeliner or lip color we can remove and correct this issue with the appropriate remedy and followed by a fresh start.  Alexia will discuss your Treatment Plan and options so you achieve your desired outcome. 

Description of the method

For several decades, there have been multiple different types of laser devices, each of which has its unique qualities. Many lasers are used for treatment of skin abnormalities such as spider veins, port wine stains, changes in pigmentation, liver spots and hair removal. Not every laser used in the dermatological field is suitable for tattoo removal. Although the wavelength of older devices (such as argon lasers, ruby lasers and CO2 lasers) allowed a small range of colours to be removed, the overwhelming choice for today’s treatment is a Q-switched YAG laser.


Today, the most widely practised tattoo removal technique by far involves the use of medical lasers. Concentrated beams of intense light are targeted onto the skin for fractions of a second, breaking the ink into smaller fragments while leaving the tissue unharmed. The most effective way to remove tattoos. This happens because the highly energised light (which must be in the absorption spectrum of the targeted pigment colour) causes an explosive effect in the pigment. The high energy heats the ink to a temperature of 900 degrees Celsius for an extremely short time, causing it to explode. The resulting tiny fragments are removed by the body’s natural lymphatic system which naturally cleanses the ink out of the body.   Some fragments may remain in the skin but due to their smaller size become less visible – at least until the next treatment, when they explode again due to the application of the laser and become even smaller. The treated area scabs over. After several days, the scab falls off taking the ink with it.  Some colours are more responsive than others and multiple treatment sessions are required. Many factors influence the final result and this can be explained at your appointment.  The number of sessions required varies and sessions are usually spaced at six to eight week intervals. 

Before and After Eyebrow Tattoo Removal
Results After Two Sessions Of Laser Tattoo Removal

Results after 2 x Sessions

Q - What is the After Care?

A -  Laser tattoo removal is not a miracle cure, and it will take time for the ink to fade and be processed out. New advances in technology has made the process more comfortable, but the laser still creates minor wounds in your skin. Proper aftercare can help ensure you don’t suffer any infection or unwanted side effects. There are many things you will need to keep an eye out for between sessions. You will probably see redness and itchiness in the area, not unlike a sunburn, immediately following your treatment. This will fade quickly on its own, and will not be a concern for more than a day or two at most.
You will want to keep the area cool and elevated for the first 24 hours to help with discomfort. You will also want to avoid exposing the area to heat, so avoid saunas, hot showers, sun exposure and physical activity.
Lasers use intense heat to break up ink particles, so you are left with a burn after the procedure. You may experience blisters or scabs over the tattoo. These usually appear within 72 hours, and they can last between one and two weeks. It is important not to pick at them or remove them, to avoid scarring and infection in the area. You might only have blistering after some treatments and not others. Your body does not always react in the same way to the laser, even if it is given the exact same treatment at the exact same intensity.
Keeping the area clean and dry is vital. You can wash the tattoo with antibacterial soap, but be sure to dry it thoroughly. Change the dressing every day. Use a healing cream such as Bepanthen to help the area heal and fend off infection. Avoid direct sun exposure at all times.
Protecting the skin is important, but so is caring for your pain. The healing process can be uncomfortable. If you decide to take pain relievers, make sure to avoid ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin, or any other NSAID medication, as they can increase the risk of bruising or bleeding. Once the area has healed (about five to ten days), massaging the area can help encourage blood flow, which will also accelerate your body’s ability to remove the ink. A massage session should last about 5-10 minutes.
Last, but certainly not least, please drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated will help your skin heal and stay healthy, promote healthy blood flow and help to flush any waste, including ink, from your system. Even if you are not getting a tattoo removed, drinking plenty of water is always a good idea.
Your next session is only a few weeks away. Take care of yourself in between visits to maximize the effects of the treatment.

You will be given an after care info sheet to take home and you must have a committment to follow your aftercare instructions at all times during healing.

Refer to instructions as often as you need and call us with any questions you may have.


Q -  Can tattoo be removed without scarring?

A - Any tattooing process leaves scars. Many are visible to the naked eye and can be felt by touch, others can only be seen under the microscope.  By lightening the skin with laser therapy, the removal of ink will in some cases reveal the original scar from the tattooing.

Whether visible scarring occurs depends on many factors.

Crucial factors include;

– Following the After Care for the location that has been treated

– The person’s general health

– The ability of the skin to regenerate

– The resilience of the immune system

– The hereditary characteristics of the skin

In the case of people with light skin or a tendency to have visible scars, there is a greater risk of scars remaining visible following the treatment. People with a predisposition to very good healing of skin injuries will have very little, if any, scarring.


Conclusion: Anyone who wishes to totally exclude the possibility of scarring must refrain from having a tattoo removed, or should preferably avoid getting a tattoo in the first place.

Q - How many laser sessions are needed to remove a tattoo?

A - The number of treatments depend on the size of the tattoo, the amount and type of ink used, and the depth of the ink in the skin. The location of the tattoo will also affect the clearance rate. A face to face consultation is required for adequate assessment and treatment plan. The cost per treatment is based on the size of the tattoo and will be discussed at your initial assessment.  

Q - Will the tattoo completely disapear?

A - After the first treatment, you’ll notice a temporary whitening of the treated area. Over time, the tattoo will fade and the skin returns to normal colour. Lasers will generally eliminate about 95% of the tattoo.

Q - Does it hurt?

A - The  pulses of light feel similar to snaps of small rubber bands on the skin, followed by a feeling of warmth. Because the tattoo ink absorbs the laser energy, some patients may feel mild discomfort as the physician traces the design. You will be required to arrive to your appointment 30 mins prior to you scheduled appointment time for topical numbing and cooling the skin first with ice packs.

Effective Tattoo Removal

Your comfort is our priority.  Before commencing with the tattoo removal procedure we’ll check your medical history and any medication you maybe taking. We are there every step of the way to provide a clear pre and post treatment plan for your new tattoo-free skin.

We use the best laser tattoo removal technology – the medical Q-Switched laser to achieve effective, painless tattoo removal for tattoos of all colours in less sessions. It is the gold standard in tattoo removal technology today. Alexia is fully trained in the use of this high tech piece of equipment

The best technician and best equipment to conduct your tattooo removal procedure doesn't have to cost a fortune. We’ll make sure you get the best results and value for money. Your FREE initial assessment will tell you how many sessions the tattoo removal procedure will take and the pricing will be clear.  

Laser Cosmetic Tattoo Removal Services

Cosmetic tattoos are another term for permanent makeup that’s designed to enhance one's natural appearance. They can add colour, dimension, symmetry and shape using a specialised cosmetic tattoo machine and carefully selected pigments. Cosmetic tattoos can be referred to:

Why Remove Cosmetic Tattoos?

While cosmetic tattoos can enhance a person’s natural features, there’s no shortage of reasons for wanting the procedure reversed, in parts or completely removed. Here are a few of the most common reasons someone might come in for cosmetic tattoo removal:

The outcome wasn’t as expected: Sometimes permanent makeup don’t quite come out the way clients want – whether it’s smudged-looking lines, asymmetrical shapes, or just not what you asked for. No matter what the issue is, it’s sometimes best to start fresh and work with a blank slate.

Change of mind: A few years may have passed and you no longer wish to maintain your cosmetic tattoo so you would prefer to have it removed or speed up the lightening process that can take years to achieve.

Laser Eyebrow Tattoo Removal

Alexia Rocha Aesthetics offers several eyebrow tattoo removal options, including laser removal, which has become increasingly popular and more widely recognised among beauty gurus and enthusiasts. Here’s what to expect before going under the laser and clearing up old ink and pigmentation around the brow.

Before Going In For Cosmetic Tattoo Removal

While the idea of having lasers near your eyes might sound a little scary, the process is actually quite straight forward. Like any other procedure, clients first need to consult with our in-house expert for an initial assessment. Most cosmetic tattoos are not suitable for laser. During your assessment we will discuss your desired outcomes, specific issues, and anything else related to the treatment. If you are not a candidate for laser, we will suggest the saline tattoo removal method.

The Removal Process

Given that you’ve fulfilled all the requirements for the procedure (e.g. no sunburns, blood thinners, or allergies in/around your eyebrows), all you’ll need to do is sit back and relax.

During the actual process, your therapist uses a laser that emits pulses of light over the area with ink. The laser breaks up the pigmentation particles in your skin, effectively fading them over time.

Note that, based on your skin and tattoo type, it might take a few sessions to complete the removal.

The aftercare is just as important as the procedure itself when it comes to tattoo removal. Here are some of our tips to speed things along:


  • Cover the area with an antibiotic ointment and sterilized gauze.

  • Do not use makeup on your eyebrows.

  • Gently wash the area when bathing.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure.

  • Stay hydrated.

Book Your Removal Appointment Now!

If you’re not satisfied with your permanent makeup, don’t lose hope. Our eyebrow specialist at Alexia Rocha Aesthetics specialise in bringing out your best self – even if that means starting fresh. Book your tattoo removal consultation and appointment today!

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