LED Light Therapy
Heal and Repair Your Skin
LED Light Therapy is a treatment method that uses light-emitting diode technology to restore and rejuvenate skin. With LED light technology, low-level light in a variety of colours and wavelengths is used to target specific problems and produce a softer, smoother, more youthful appearance. Since only light is used it is also less invasive and has no downtime, so it is safe for everyone, including those with sensitive skin.
With LED Light Therapy, everything from acne to superficial skin lesions can be treated and it can even help to promote the healing of wounds and provide pain relief. At the same time it can help to improve skin texture and reduce breakouts for even longer-lasting results.
Here at Alexia Rocha Aesthetics, we used the BellaLux LED system, which is state-of-the-art as it offers all four of the common wavelengths used for skin therapy: blue, yellow, red and near-infrared to address a number of different issues. Blue light treats acne, yellow helps to heal wounds, red reduces inflammation and stimulates collagen growth to combat wrinkles while near-infrared disrupts pigmentation to reduce blemishes.
Is LED Light Therapy right for me?
One of the real advantages to LED Light Therapy is that it has been proven to be a safe and effective treatment for all skin types. It can also be used on individuals of any age and all skin colours with positive results.
What kind of benefits can I expect?
Because the BellaLux LED system uses all wavelengths, it can provide a number of amazing results, including:
Reducing the signs of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles
Tightening and toning the skin for a healthier, more youthful look
Healing and calming the redness from Rosacea
Promoting the natural healing of wounds
Purifying and detoxifying the skin
Reducing the effects of acne
What happens during an LED Light Therapy session?
The entire procedure is quick, easy and painless. You simply lie on the treatment bed, put on the safety goggles to protect your eyes and then relax as the BellaLux LED system releases its lights to penetrate your skin.
Is there any downtime?
No, not at all! That’s one of the best parts of LED Light Therapy. Because it isn’t as invasive as traditional laser therapy or other skin treatment methods, there is no redness or irritation. Your skin will look and feel healthier immediately and you can even apply makeup right away.
Why choose LED Light Therapy?
A better question is why not? There are so many good reasons for choosing LED Light Therapy. Not only is it quick, safe and painless, but the effects also cannot be denied. Skin tone, texture and clarity are improved, leaving you looking radiant and youthful. Better still, you can get all of those fabulous results without the use of lasers or injectable fillers, so it’s a much more gentle and natural treatment.
An LED membership is the ideal kick start to your
glowing, skin health journey.
It is a safe and non-invasive way to progressively
turn back the hands of time to reveal a fresher and
more youthful appearance. Ideal for anyone who
suffers from allergies to skincare products as the
LED repairs the skin without requiring the use of
skincare products.
Quick, safe and painless, this relaxing 20-minute
treatment produces almost instant and visible firming and lifting results... and there is NO downtime. Recommended as a potent add-on to any skin, face, and cosmetic injectable treatment or as a standalone treatment.
According to scientific studies, LED Light Therapy improved results and longevity by up to 80%. LED activates skin cells with pulses of low level, non-thermal light energy. The cell converts light energy into stimulating fibroblasts and collagen production, by as much as 200% within just 24 hours of treatment!
An in-clinic LED session is normally $75 per treatment with the best initial results coming from a course of 8 treatments recommended with monthly maintenance required thereafter. Results peak within 12 weeks.
Some of the benefits from regular LED treatments:
• Clears Acne, Rosacea & Repairs Scarring
• Balances & Calms Psoriasis, Dermatitis and Eczema
• Reduces Fine Lines & Wrinkles
• Brightens Dull Complexion
• Reduces Effects of Sun Damage
• Relieves Stress
• Speeds healing
• Stimulates Collagen
• Reduces inflamation
LED Membership Terms & Conditions:
• Paid in 2 equal installments: 50% deposit prior to commencement & balance when course of treatments
starts. Alternatively, we offer fortnightly direct debit payment plans and Zippay.
• Your membership starts from the date of purchase & expires 12 months later.
• You are responsible for ensuring you have booked all your appointment allocations.
• Any additional treatments requested with your LED membership treatment are to be paid for on that day.
• Subject to our cancellation & booking terms and conditions.
*Results may vary from person to person.

LED Light Annual Membership

What does the treatment involve?During the initial consultation, your practitioner will assess the area/s of concern and recommend the appropriate treatment program for you. Viora Reaction cutting edge core technology applies an advanced combination of radiofrequency and vacuum therapy to offer the most effective facial and body tightening treatment on the market. What’s so fantastic about Skin Tightening with the Reaction System is that it allows for penetration depth control with the added benefit of treating all layers of the skin in one treatment session. For the client this means a more effective treatment through textural improvement, collagen stimulation and skin tightening all in a single treatment.
What makes the Reaction system so popular?Backed by the support of doctors and clinical researchers worldwide, the Reaction system features a patented, premier technology known as CORE™ (Channelling Optimized RF Energy), offering 3 distinct RF frequencies as well as an innovative 4th dimension – multi-channel mode – that simultaneously incorporates all three frequencies for a full scope treatment. The system also combines vacuum therapy which maximises the penetration of radiofrequency energy in the treatment area, increases local blood circulation, stimulates lymphatic drainage and assists in the shrinkage of fat cell volume.
How many skin tightening treatment sessions will I need?A treatment course of 6-8 sessions is recommended for optimal results, however response to treatment varies from person to person. Your practitioner will be able to establish a proper treatment guideline that suits your profile.
What does the skin tightening treatment feel like?During the treatment, you will experience dual sensations of hot and cold temperatures on the surface of your skin. The integrated skin cooling mechanism ensures that the temperature of your skin is maintained throughout the treatment duration.
How effective are the treatments?Skin tightening treatment has been very successful in improving laxity (loose skin) and softening fine lines and wrinkles. The cellulite and body contouring treatments have also generated exceptional results, as early as the first treatment. Clients have recorded a firmer and smoother appearance post treatment, with visible results.
Is there any recovery time?There is absolutely no downtime. Clients can return to their daily routine immediately after the session. Your skin may appear flushed for a few hours. Make-up can be worn after treatment.
Is the treatment safe?Viora Reaction skin tightening is FDA approved and clinically proven treatment.
Is there an alternative treatment?If you are interested in skin tightening treatments for loose skin on the face, chin, jowels and neck areas we also recommend one of our newest and most advanced treatments for lifting the skin called HIFU. For more information please visit HIFU tab.